Saturday, November 5, 2016

WBG Java Crow Express & Ruby's Roost - November 5, 2016

Who would have thought we would have such a beautiful sunny day with little wind for a bicycle ride in November in Minnesota!

It started out really cool at 6C with humidity at 88% for the WBG Java Crow Express. At the end of the Ruby's Roost extension and then back in the Java Crow Express to the North Loop the temperature went up to 20C with humidity around 45%. Dew point was around 7C and wind was out of the S at 6 KPH.

Richard and Jim joined me for the WBG Java Crow Express and I am the only one that went on the Ruby's Roost portion. Tim R. joined us for coffee at the Dunn Brothers. It was great to see him and he continues to improve! Ruby's was as fantastic as ever. Such a lovely place and they are now serving soup, which really hits the spot on a cool day.

Pictured left to right are Edward & Richard. Jim took the picture!

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